
A Third Wheel Turns a Bike into a Trike Which is Much More Fun

Artorias, Briar


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-25-2022, 02:39 AM

Briar seemed shocked that Bowen would offer to teach her the Romanian tongue. "Well it doesn't belong to us, though I do find it rather special," the burnished woman admitted. Artorias went on to remind the antlered fae that she would be a part of their family soon enough and, even though that sent a streak of burning jealousy through Bowen, she didn't let it show and simply smiled and nodded in agreement. Dealing with emotions and coming to terms with the fact that Briar would eventually be the wife of Artorias was difficult, but it was something that she had to learn to deal with. She had to accept the woman to have Artorias in her life and that was more important than anything to the copper and cream fae, so she would do it no matter what.

The topic of conversation shifted as Briar suggested a drinking game mixed with truth or dare. Oh boy. It was a good thing she'd brought a bottle for each of them. Artorias was on board with the idea and Bowen was as well. Pulling back, the tiny fae took up her bottle once more and repositioned herself so that the trio could all see one another. She sprawled out on her belly at the edge of the furs, her long tail hanging out onto the sun soaked sand. "Sounds good to me," she spoke, taking a quick sip of the sweet wine between her paws. Pre-gaming for the win.

"I'll ask first," she volunteered, turning her attention to Artorias. "Since you're the man of the hour, you get to answer first, then when you're finished, you get to choose who you ask. Sound good?" The fae's verdant gaze shifted from wolf to wolf, assuring that they were all in agreement. Bowen then grinned at Artorias, flashing pristine, white teeth. "Truth or dare?" She imagined that they'd start out with easy little ice breakers, then move on to more daring tasks and deep questions later on in the game when their tongues would be looser and their inhibitions would be lessened.

When Artorias chose dare, Bowen grinned. Easy... they were starting out easy. Curling her neck, the small fae looked about for the cork that she'd pulled from her wine bottle. Taking it in paw, she handed it to her brother. "I dare you to balance this cork on your nose, walk all the way to the waters edge and back without dropping it. If you do, you have to drink." Surely an impossible feat, right? Bowen wiggled her brows at the blue man, then cast the antlered fae a wink. Bowen gestured wide with one sable dipped paw, telling her brother to get a move on. The game idea had been a good one and she already felt herself loosening up a bit, the tension seeping away.

"Speech"|| "Romanian"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]