
Two different roads[Nibel]


10-03-2013, 12:13 PM

Assessments were made rapidly and silently, conceptions borne solely of my opinion and nothing else. In layman?s terms I was judging her. I?ll never understand why people affixed such a negative connotation to the word. The she-wolf was not too dissimilar to me in terms of build. Maybe a little slighter as gender robbed her of some structural ruggedness and she was slighter in places where I was not, I tried to commit those areas to memory. Any potential advantage was a good one after all.

The female?s response earned a smirk. Once upon a time I might?ve read too much into a comment like that or acknowledged the sarcasm as a personal jibe. Thankfully I?d spent enough time exercising my wit to realize that it wasn?t meant to be antagonistic. It saved me from being defensive and them from?well, me. ?A mighty huntress then? You must be well loved by your pack during the lean seasons then.? So she was a pack wolf. That meant she would be missed if something unfortunate where to occur. Not much of a deterrent but still something to keep in mind.

A lull in the conversation offered me a moment to shift my sights to her partner who seemed wisely unsure of me. I couldn?t honestly blame him for being suspicious. Small as he was had I ever crossed paths with him when he wasn?t in the presence of his fairer companion I wouldn?t have hesitated to engage in a round of blood sport. I might not necessarily have eaten him either. Briefly I wondered if he could smell death on me.

I flashed him a wane smile, knowing that it wouldn?t be a comforting gesture. A warm grin with the slightest flash of teeth peeking behind it, welcoming but not exactly friendly was the image in my mind and the one I displayed.

?It is good to be meeting your acquaintance Riv, you may call me Nibelheim.? She hadn?t yet earned to privilege of calling me by any moniker or any other shortened christening. The fox piped in and again I found my eyes swaying to watch him, maybe letting them linger a moment too long for him to be comfortable - or at least less comfortable than he was currently. ?I think I?ve been around for little over a year. I?ve been checking over the territories for the most part, trading news with the occasional loner or two. You are the first pack wolf I have met,? and allowed to live ?who hasn?t snapped at my heels.?
