
Drop on by



10-03-2013, 12:25 PM

.ooc. I'm just skipping Novel >>
Song would listen sadly to her siblings, her ears falling as she took the blame that her mother deserved. Maybe she did deserve all of the anger that was directed towards her, she never tried to convince Novel of her siblings talents. Their wonderful personalities and their love. She had only taken the lessons that her mother and father gave her. She didn't remember basking in their glory, she had tried to spend time with the siblings she now barely knew. Novel had always prevented her, she always was to be learning something. Always the lessons and never the family. Song was just as outcast as the siblings who were cast out because of her. Howl's words would sting, and she would hang her head accepting the blame that he placed upon her. She should have made more of an effort, she should have just overthrown her mother the day she left. Could have should have.. but where would she be had she not left? Certainly she would be void of her wonderful children and her loving husband. Could Howl not see how past events shaped them? How good of a life he could have if he would just accept and move on? But it was no use, she would be his scapegoat and she would not voice another option to him.
She would not defend herself, but her brother who she had only known for mere moments would voice his say in things. Legend, her chocolate brother, would stand up for his sister, his words bringing light to the situation. Maybe the younger sibling would bring sense into Howl's head, where Song's words would fall short. Song would fully agree with the young boy's words, she just hoped that Howl could too. "Can we forget about the past? We're all here now, I missed you all so much, I just want to enjoy your presence." She would say softly, feeling her eyes fill with regretful tears. How had she hurt her brother so bad? Could she find a way to heal his callous heart?
