
A feast to be had


10-03-2013, 12:37 PM

Eyes narrowed slightly as the boy spoke of not having a pack only his sister, what was he doing all the way out here then? Hunting? Morgana knew not and wouldn't divulge into such a conversation save a few questions for him. "Vous ne survivrez pas longtemps les deux de vous, d'?tre si jeune et sans un paquet. Vous devez en trouver un et de s'y tenir jusqu'? l'hiver passe ou que vous venez peut trouver votre auto s'?tendant dans la neige mourir." Having chosen to speak yet truthfully so; her words were harsh but crystal clear for the boy and his unfortunate sister. They were making a mistake by being alone; having no pack to call their own. Even if they weren't readily all that active within it, it was something they had to do. If not for him self then for his sibling.

Lowering that head to the deer Morgana grasped it by the neck before she began to drag it out of the open; for she wasn't looking forward to eating where scavengers would bug her to no end until she finished her meal. Reaching a few sparse trees and a few dead bushes it would have to do. Letting go she moved to the stomach before readily ripping it open; firstly ridding of the less desirable organs before picking out one for her self to start one. Fresh and steamy in the frigid air; ah Morgana had been waiting some time for a proper meal like this. For the moment, the boy wasn't paid too much attention from Morgana for he was clearly no threat.