
Find Myself Falling {K'sariya & Ashtoreth}

Leon I


11 Years
03-04-2013, 05:07 PM

He had wandered farther than normal in his patrolling, having found that it was nice to not only know Valhalla, but the surrounding areas. This particular one caught his eye - or rather his ear - as the sound of flowing water became noticeable. His pacing increased as he trotted along without a care in the world, knowing that it was highly unlikely that anyone in Valhalla should miss him in his absence. As of lately he had been feeling as if he was under appreciated there anyway. Though he loved his family very much, they all had their own lives and families, and no one seemed to give much thought to Leon Adravendi, the solo bachelor male who would lay down his life at a moment's notice. The man who could not possibly pass for anything but an Adravendi made it to the falls in a short while, finding it to be a marvelous place to visit. The falls took on a stair step appearance, the water cascading down each step and onto the next one. It was intriguing, how nature could come up with something so beautiful as this. Leon had never given much thought to gods or some supreme being, but right here in this moment he believed one must exist somewhere in the cosmos. Padding forth, he entered the water at the lowest point, the farthest tier from the top. The water was cool and crisp. The cool spring wind bathed his coat in a chilly sensation, but he loved it. His winter coat was still mostly present, though a few tendrils had started to shed from his form. The man leapt upward, launching himself onto a slightly higher tier, where the water trickled over just his paws and ankles, unlike the bottom level where it licked at his underside. He leapt again, one more level up, and craned his head down for a drink of the quick-moving water. That drink quelled his thirst, and he stood there admiring this creation.
