
gone rummage sailing



1 Year
03-27-2022, 07:44 AM
“You! Over there.”
My chest puffed out as I marched methodically over to nowhere in particular. I held my head high, with one eye able to look out from underneath the metal helmet that I had on. Most of my vision was obscured for the helmet was WAY too big for me, but it was the only one that I could dig up around this field.

No like, literally. I had to dig it up. Only the edge of it was poking out of the ground and god, I couldn’t tell you how many roots were wrapped around it. Now that I had it free from the earth's grasp, it was my prize! And I wore it with pride.

I stopped and peeked under my helmet, eyeing a small leafy thing poking up out of the ground. “Yes you. What’s your rank, soldier?” My voice, one that normally was light and alto in pitch, was forced to be amusingly deeper as I pretended to bark out orders. “Speak up! How am I supposed to hear you when you’re covering your mouth like that?” I straightened my posture. My legs were locked together and a bushy dark grey tail lifted high over my rump, only swaying slightly after a brief pause. “Ay, I see. 10-4 private. That’ll be all for today. You’re dismissed!” I barked once more and marched off in the other direction.

‘Oh, I’m good at this. I could totally lead an army if I wanted to.’

I grinned slyly and giggled lightly to myself. I liked pretending to be an admiral. Especially when I had a pretty neat souvenir to hype it up.

I allowed my body to walk for a minute or so without taking the time to look up for I was lost in a song. I trusted my other senses more than my vision at times to let me know if I was in danger. “…Tails swingin’ to and fro, down down to the fields we go. Maybe its looo- Op! Oh…” I felt my nose start to twitch and I stopped in my tracks. “Hm?” A paw came up to push the helmet off of one eye and look around. Down the hill, I saw a furry butt in the air, body well hidden in a heap of junk.

More stuff? Woah what a find! I smiled and raced down the hill with a large helmet bouncing on my head. Paws slowed as I came closer to the wolf as he seemed to be rummaging around. I knew that he would pick up my scent and I allowed that to be my introduction instead of spooking him. “Mmph…” My head tilted to the side and I looked at him, then back to the pile.

‘Maybe there's something good in there?’

I pushed my nose into the pile on the right side of him, making sure to keep a couple of yards away, and took a sniff. Everything was… My nose wrinkled and I snorted, clearing the dirt that quickly took residence inside of me.