
Market Promenade

Chimera ♡


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
03-27-2022, 06:29 PM

The Runestones
Fall, Year 17

It was rare for Aliana to ever leave Fenmyre territory. Between Chimera preferring they all remain on the island and having to manage her half dozen quickly growing boys, that didn't leave much in the way of free time for her to just go take day trips anywhere or do anything remotely considered "fun" or a hobby. It was fine; Ali took her duties as a queen and her role as a mother with far more importance than any of her own fleeting whims or wishes. Besides, she'd lived her whole life without the freedom to make decisions of her own, so why would she need to start now? But when a wandering merchant came to Fenmyre's borders to tell the seclusive pack about a traders' market being set up in southern Auster, the monochrome queen was greatly interested to see what sorts of wares the wolves and other creatures of the market had to offer. She'd seen so little of the world, it was immensely fascinating for her to learn about other lands, creatures, and cultures.

With a small amount of pleading to Chimera, the behemoth king agreed to take her to go peruse the shops and see what they had. Aliana was ecstatic, practically skipping and bouncing with glee as they made their way south to the cluster of runic stones that the trader had said the shops were at. As they approached, a few canvas tents and stalls could be seen set up, a number of different animals all perusing the goods, bartering and haggling as they went. "Thank you for bringing me here," Aliana said softly to Chimera when they neared the market. The market wasn't extraordinarily large, a bit smaller than the Love Day carnival they had all gone to, but she just didn't know where to begin either; there was so much to see and do!

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.