
tell me that you need me


10-03-2013, 03:10 PM

Eria had no idea she was causing a euphoric memory for Friction. He was remembering how his last beloved's eyes compared to hers and she didn't realize it. Then again, because they had just met, she had no idea of who he was or the past that haunted the male. All she knew about him from the past few minutes was that he was friendly, handsome, and possibly, what she needed.
He began to explain his reasons for being out on the winter's night. Ears pricked forward to his warm tones and she nodded to show she was listening. "Tension has a way of getting under one's skin. I know all too well of the dealings of stress among other for my own reasons for being out.." She shyly chuckled and her smile gained more warmth. "I couldn't sleep and I was feeling restless, so I thought that maybe a long walk would help."
She noted the way he moved his shoulders, attempting to relieve the stress that was had begun to build up. Eria then thought of a way to help him get rid of it, but she didn't let the image get too far. Instead, she was pulled back to him as he gave his introductions. His name and the pack he was from were revealed and a bit of interest perked. "Valhalla? I have only heard of the pack, but have never witnessed it in person. Rumors of its fair and honorable members have surfaced from my old pack, so is it safe to assume they are correct?"
Eria then turned the conversation to her own introductions. "Forgive me for not telling you my own name...I am Eria, former member of the old Glaciem pack." She sighed softly and a bit of sadness welled up in her eyes. "I travelled with Gargoyle and his family after Eos claimed it, but since then, I have begun to wander again..." Her gaze then became less sad and more sentimental as she softly added, "It feels like I may never be satisfied in life..."
