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Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
03-28-2022, 11:13 PM

It wasn't often that Irilyth ventured so far from pack lands, and especially not as far north as this. But there were certain herbs and remedies that only flourished in the arctic tundras of the far north reaches of the continent. She carried her satchel of medicines with her, wandering about the frozen over woods in search of wintergreen. She'd managed to procure a good amount of the bright red berries and was hunting for some northern moss, the hardy lichen making fantastic bandages and bindings. Part of her wished she had asked Manea or Alastor to accompany her, if for no other reason than for protection and company, but she didn't wish to bother her alphas with such mundane requests. That mundane request, however, felt less and less silly in her mind once the sound of heavy footfalls in the snow and ice reached her ears. Peering up with wide, anxious ruby eyes, Irilyth watched the massive feline as it approached her. This is it... This is how I die... Iri had wondered how death would come for her. Never once did she predict a massive Paleolithic lion would be the culprit.

The leonine behemoth drew near, and Irilyth flinched away while she prepared for the single inevitable strike of death—except it never came. Instead, a soft female voice spoke to her, imploring for aid. The sandy blonde fae peeked one eye open, and then the next, peering curiously to the giant predator as if it had just spoken some alien tongue to her. She asked if she was a healer, seeking aid for an injured wolf nearby. Irilyth weighed her options. She could have turned tail and run. The lion might run her down, but it also might not. She could be home within an hour or two if she ran nonstop. She'd be safe. But... if there was someone who needed aid, did she have a duty as a healer to help? An obligation? Irilyth studied the female lion for some time. She was relaxed, showing no signs of malice or ill-intent. She just needed help. And Iri could offer it.

"I... I do," she responded after a beat, glancing down at her satchel, then back to the lion's ruby eyes that almost matched hers. "I have some knowledge of healing. I could try to help." She nodded her head back the way the other woman had come from and simply said, "Show me."
