
doin' a distract

Shelby Seasonal



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
03-28-2022, 11:47 PM

The raid that Armada waged against one of the neighboring packs had gotten Ruga thinking. Pretty much everyone else in the fight, including the woman he had fought, had a plethora of armor and companions to aid them in their fight. He had never personally felt the need to outfit himself in such things since he never thought he would be fighting regularly, but maybe it was time for him to reconsider. For the first time he was actually developing ties to something that might just be worth defending if for no other reason than to keep this nice home and forge he had built safe. It was unlikely that he'd find anywhere else that would give him this much freedom to just live how he wanted and create what he wanted to create. Participating in some raids and helping outfit the pack with armor when asked was a small cost for that in his mind.

While he was pondering what he might want to make himself in the way of armor, he started making his way down toward the coast. Sometimes taking a walk and getting his legs moving was the best way for him to think of ideas so that's exactly what was on the agenda for today. However, some movement caught his attention and he lifted his gaze till his seafoam green eyes landed on the bumpy form of an crocodile seemingly on the hunt. He didn't see what it was after at first, not until he saw the subtle, fiery glow of one of the pups he had seen around the pack a couple of times. "Shit..." he muttered as he put two and two together and then bolted forward to stop it.

"Look out!" he called as he leapt up to jump on top of the crocodile, his front paws landing on top of its snout to snap its jaws closed before they could close around the young girl. "Get out of here, kid!" he managed before the reptile started to wriggle and throw him off, making him stumble back and fall to the side off of the beast. He fell hard on his shoulder with a wince and an "oof", having to scramble back to his paws to get out of the way before the crocodile could whip its head around to snap at him instead.

WC: 392
Total: 678/1500

"Ruga Amanto"