
Come along, little warriors

Puppy lesson!


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
03-31-2022, 04:51 PM

Sitri listened to their father's instructions as he explained the course he had prepared and what they were going to do with it and when asked if they had any questions he was quick to shake his head no, immediately jumping to his paws to get started. He was just about to run forward and start them off, but Seere beat him to the punch and got to the pegs before he did. He huffed a bit and sat back down on his butt, deciding fair was fair for her and Stolas to go first since they got here first anyway. He watched her go, taking note of how she struggled a bit up the rocky ramp and then watched Stolas go, seeing him have the same kind of issue. He hummed while he watched them, taking notes, and as soon as Stolas was on the other side of the ramp Sitri got up to take his turn.

The poles weren't too hard, weaving back and forth between them, though he did nudge the last couple of them out of place in his hurry to get to the ramp. Instead of taking a running leap like Stolas did, he instead focused on the rocks that were there for them to climb and did smaller jumps to get from rock to rock. It took him longer to get up the ramp, going slow and stead as he got a better footing on the rocks than his siblings had. When he got to the top of the ramp he looked down at the padded landing spot below and grinned as he hopped down with a "Weeee!", landing in the pile of balls and kicking some up around him. He jumped out of the pit and leaped for one of the dummies waiting for him, wrapping his forelegs around it and dangling off of it with a giggle—forgetting the whole "landing in a fighting stance" portion of their instructions.

"Sitri Abraxas-Destruction"