
The Birth of Something Great

Fenmyre Visits The Hallows



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-01-2022, 04:32 PM
Chimera's declaration that they were going to go across to the west side of Auster for a big family trip to The Hallows certainly surprised her. She knew he was quite fond of The Hallows' alpha, but she never expected him to willingly bring all of the Queens and his children off of the island that he generally tried to keep them secluded to. She was more than happy to go along with whatever plans Chimera wished to carry out though and it would be nice to let all of the pups get out for a bit and start seeing more of the world. At the very least she knew Ruse was beyond thrilled to get to go see more of Auster and see the big castle that The Hallows occupied.

She had quite the task when it kept to keeping Rusalka from trying to climb out of the cart on the way to visit the other Auster dwelling pack. Her daughter was probably big enough to just walk along with the older children now, but she didn't trust her little adventurer to not go running off into the woods after some little animal she spotted or to go diving into any little den or cave they passed. It was easier to scold her for trying to get out of the cart than it was to chase her down. She was glad when they finally reached the border of the pack since at least she knew they would be in protected lands soon enough so she wouldn't have to watch Ruse quite so closely. She came to wait with Chimera for Artorias or one of the other pack members to greet them, adding her own stern look to Chimera's as she glanced back at her daughter.

"Dalila Vista Klein"