
Little House, Little Kids



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-01-2022, 04:53 PM
Ricin holds Duchess gently, humming a song that never again rumble past his father’s lips. Memories swirl of times past and pain, not long gone. He feels the older wolf’s breathing even out and relax, a gentle smile the only sign he feels her relaxing. The humming continues as dark eyelids remain closed over crimson eyes, and Ricin feels joy in this simple act of kindness. Duchess’s quiet words have the almost-yearling’s lips pulling up into smile and he adjusts his hold on her smaller frame so he can bury her further into the soft fur of his chest, trying to hide this kind woman from the pain of the world around them. For a time, it is just the two of the them, enjoying a moment of peace so rarely found in the chaos of life.

All too soon the song comes to an end, the rumble dying away into nothingness as Ricin feels the weight of his past settle its burdens across his shoulder once more. Still, he doesn’t want to end the contact, finding comfort in the simple act of hugging someone he cares for. With one final, gentle squeeze, Ricin releases his hold and steps back, crimson eyes once more open. He casts his gaze out over the lake suddenly feeling much older than he is. A weariness settles over his frame as he slowly slides down to his belly, watching the gently ripples and small waves that form on the surface of the lake.

He settles his head on top of his paws and heaves a sigh, flicking his gaze over the purple woman for a moment before saying, “I hope we both have long, happy lives Duchess. We… deserve it.” Lips twitch in a semblance of a smile as his gaze once more drifts to look out over to the lake. A few moments pass before he speaks again, voice soft with longing and sadness as Ricin says, “I wish my mom had been like you Duchess. My mom… never loved me. She... said I was a waste of space.” Throat constricts as tears fill his crimson eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks and onto the shoreline around him. He feels so vulnerable as his longing for a motherly figure once more makes an appearance.

"Ricin Dauner"