
Tag! You're it!

Avacyn & Irílyth Intellect Seasonal


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-01-2022, 05:28 PM

Avacyn is quick to agree to playing tag and her friend is delighted to play as well! Awesome! Mouth open wide in happiness, Ricin’s tongue lolls out the side as the pale wolf suggests no tag backs. Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun! Suddenly, Avacyn tags the smaller wolf and the blue boy’s eyes round as he suddenly realizes he is the next target. Turning around, he races off in the opposite direction of the wolf who is ‘it’, laughter following behind him. Dang she is quick! The pale wolf shows up and gently smacks him on the hip, making Ricin ‘it’. The boy feigns great disappointment, groaning out loudly, “Oh man! How did you get to be so fast?” He tosses the woman a wink and a huge grin before he races off after Avacyn’s purple form.

Ricin laughs loudly as he chases her, dodging rocks and leaping over small sticks just for the fun of it. He is so close! He just needs to touch one leg… suddenly, Ricin’s gangly legs become tangled with each other and pitch him forward, sending him rolling right into Avacyn’s rear end. He lets out a loud, “OOF” as he comes to a stop on top of the purple wolf, legs splayed every which way. Lifting his head off her back, Ricin gives his head a small shake before poking her nose gently with a paw and shouting, “TAG!” Gathering his long legs under himself, Ricin stands up and helps Avacyn get back up on her paws. Softly, he says, “Sorry about that, still getting use to these.” He flashes her a wink before once more racing off to avoid being tagged.

WC: 284
Total WC: 1420 / 1500

"Ricin Dauner"