
I knew you were t r o u b l e *


10-03-2013, 03:54 PM

Necessity was not that which is conditioned as an established fact, but of a looming interpretation. It was in this way that progress could be achieved for a single construed necessity was the notion of advancement conceived, nurtured and tested. Be it a motivation of discontent or a pitiable sentiment of egotistical longing, necessity was more often than not the root element many reckless decisions, punishable with no promise or praise nor success. It incited the thought as to why one should take such risks only to be reminded of their dissatisfaction. Sometimes it was well worth the trouble.

The ebony dame, in a rare instance of irresponsibility, had ventured beyond the designated limits of safety in favor of personal gain. It was an opportunity that the medic resolved would be gratifying enough in its earning that she would risk her safety and, quite possibly, her companions. Such consequences were necessary, the dame reasoned in the disquieting silence she found herself in. How was she to be an adequate healer if she did not have the means to heal? It seemed an arguable standpoint but in this she was convinced. She needed to do this. It was a necessity.

Sulfur and brimstone burned the sensitive layers of her nostrils, stirring a ragged cough from her throat that in turn forced her lungs to choke on ash-laced oxygen. The atmospheric pressure was alike nothing she had ever experienced, stiflingly hot, arid and smelling of tar it was a wonder anything could survive in such wastes. But she knew better than to write of its seeming inhospitableness when the outlying scent of wolves brushed her olfactory senses. No, there was more than just charred stone and molten rock inhabiting this place, though she hoped to avoid both all together. The striped witch was breaching etiquette for but one thing, a trinket any other wouldn?t spare a glance at or notice its absence. And of course, it could only be found in regions of this climate.

Even through the foul smelling, almost moist air, Lietaenyl could pick apart the scents flitting temptingly above her head. All were foreign novelties that she hadn?t time to analyze but among them was a fresh, crisp aroma that spurred her into motion. She could only describe the smell as being green, the only manner she knew of relating plant life and it was lacking in its illustration but it served its purpose. Nearly a mile up the ridge the she-wolf?s turquoise eyes narrowed on the prize she sought.

Despite her previous depiction of scent, the item of her interest was in fact not green at all. The plant she fancied was spherical in shape, its reed-like petals arching up from its base and vaguely reminded her of a porcupine. It sat in a depression in the rock a few feet above her but there was nothing to stop her from making the short climb to the cluster.

It took no time at all for her to do this, the medic?s tail swayed with her accomplishment as she bent to pick the foliage and juggled to find a proper setting for it in her mouth for transport. With her stolen piece of foliage she was quick to dismount the rocks and hurry toward the border she had crossed. With any luck she?d make it back before Zodiac even realized she was missing.
