
As black smoke engulfs the sky RAID



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
04-03-2022, 07:21 PM

As he reached for the back of her armor, the smaller woman lashed out with her teeth aimed for the lower part of his throat and while her bite did land, there wasn't really any force behind it. It was almost not enough to even get through his fur much less actually bite down and cause damage, but he did feel her fangs graze his skin and leave a few shallow scratches before he could get a firm hold on her armor and start pulling her off of her paws. As soon as he did he felt her start to kick and flail, using her back legs to try and pull away from him while her front legs swung wildly. It was difficult to see her face from this position, but the wild, frantic nature of her movements gave away her panic. He had been letting himself have fun with the raid since it was required of him anyway, but how she reacted caught him off guard and made his stomach twist a bit.

Hoping maybe to take the edge off of the fight for her a bit, he shifted how he was standing just enough for her forelegs to connect with his side. It wasn't much more than a good slap, but he acted like she had really gotten him hard in the ribs and pretended like she had knocked the air out of him and made him wince. He let go of her armor, letting her drop back to the ground as he took a couple of staggering steps back. He didn't stay like that long though so she wouldn't have a chance to second guess his charade and he ducked low, jumping back in toward her so he could just give her chest a good head-butt with his forehead—knowing her chest piece would take the worst of it anyway. He felt a bit like a dad building his pup's confidence in a fight while pulling a couple of punches, but her panic struck a chord in him that he didn't really want played.

Ruga vs Aryn for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

"Ruga Amanto"