
Somber Reflection



10-03-2013, 04:14 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The distraction she had been looking for came in the form of a slim little white wolf, meandering alongside the creek's bank looking very much lost in thought. Ashtoreth's purple and gold eyes settled upon the other before the younger girl seemed to catch notice of her, watching a little and reflecting back to the pack meeting thoughtfully. It was not the troubles of possible war and fighting that came to mind now, however. New ranks had been appointed, new hunters been enlisted, and from the slight build the other possessed the Psi had to wonder if this might not have been one of those who had been singled out to assist her with her duties. It was certainly a lovely change of events; she had been longing for more hunters herself. Might she have accidentally stumbled upon one now?

Finally the girl seemed to emerge from her thoughts and realize that the older grey female was near, and out of courtesy Ashtoreth wagged her tail in a vague greeting while drawing her expression into a friendly smile. It would do no good to let the troubling thoughts that had been bothering her to project to the world, particularly to someone who seemed to have enough on their mind already to contemplate. An equally friendly greeting was made, to which the grey hunter nodded her head politely and responded, "Hello. I don't believe we've met. I'm Ashtoreth, Lead Hunter, or Psi as it's being called now." Her voice was chipper though not insincerely so. It was easier to fall into her typical, bright self when others were around. It made the masks that she set into place have more meaning behind their positions.

Surprisingly enough, another ventured near, this one bearing a striking resemblance to someone that she already knew. Though no name immediately came to mind, the relation was undeniable. This was undoubtedly one of Thane and Ookami's children. Another friendly tail wag was given toward the black and grey youth, a surprised yet pleased smile spreading across Ashtoreth's soft features. "Ryker," she repeated, grateful he had stated his name as she had forgotten it herself. "Good to see you. I hope the family is well," she added, recalling that it had been some time before she had gotten a chance to speak with his father, Thane, since he had been promoted. So much had changed; perhaps he was kept busy with his new duties, just as she had been with hers. "Congratulations on making hunter," she added with a grin, "following in your father's footsteps, huh?"

But as the thought struck her, she was forced to turn back to the little white wolf with a curious glance, still without a name to place to her but quite certain that she had seen Chrysanthe address her when appointing the other sigmas. "You were appointed hunter too, weren't you?" It seemed strangely coincidental that the three of them should have met up in this manner, all hunters and without any prearranged plan to do so. At any rate, Ashtoreth was glad of it. Though she wished to gather the lot of them together and see what they could do, one on one time to get to know each of them individually would surely help. How else was she to know where they would fit in the grand scheme of their hunts unless she knew more about them than mere size and deduced skill?