
the overactive mind of a believer



"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
04-04-2022, 05:09 AM

Avantika accepted Art's cheek nuzzle. She wished she had half his skill with words. She knew he didn't lie to her, but that didn't mean that it wasn't a talent to say the truth in the best way possible. Avantika was specialized; she could fight well, but that was most of it. He said that she would make the best parent out of all of them. What was it that he saw in her that she couldn't? She would try her best and she would always make sure her kids were safe, but all of her siblings would do that.

Art and Briar were getting married? Well, she couldn't say it was that much of a surprise. They'd be good together and they'd been dating for a while, and Briar had even recently moved into the Hallows. Her thoughts immediately turned to what protections a big event like a wedding would need. It was the same sort of situation as the festivals, right? Someone would need to be making sure that nothing and no one would intrude on the happy ceremony while everyone else was busy celebrating. But she was getting ahead of herself. Art told her that he wanted her to just enjoy the celebration with Audra. She bit her lip, suddenly nervous about the idea. Could she really just sit by and let whatever would happen? He gave her a task to help with the preparations, which helped her nerves a bit. She could train up the Knights. "Thank you." Still, she felt wrong just considering making them take shifts on a day that was supposed to be all fun without taking her own. Maybe it was good for her to work less so she was working about the same amount as her fellow Vanguards and Knights, but she couldn't work less than them! Even for one day -- she did know full well that she'd been working more than them for a while, but that was just her duty.

Still, she was grateful to Art for giving her something productive to do. Patrols were getting boring.


Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.