
Into the Oceans We Ride [RAID]


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-04-2022, 08:21 PM
The sound of a foreign call from their own shores had alerted Aliana at the same time as everyone else, but while the warriors rushed to intercept the invaders and repel the threat to their home, the queen made a beeline around the Klein estate, wrangling up every pup she could find to stash them away with Siren in one of the back rooms of the estate. Her sons were unruly and didn't understand what was going on, but her curt directions in place of her usual gentle demeanor kept them in line. After the noncombatants were all stowed away safely, Ali turned and ran through the halls with memorized paws until she reached her alchemist's study. She gathered up a few potent remedies and rolls of bandages to help tend to the wounded, stashing them away in her medic's satchel before running out of the estate in the direction of the beach.

The closer Aliana got to the shore, the louder the sounds of combat became. As she drew upon the scene, worried aquamarine eyes surveyed the chaos and carnage. So many wolves on both sides had been injured or beaten, and the ones still standing were fighting tooth and nail for victory. She watched Dalila fighting with all her might against the invading strangers and steeled her nerves; she had to do something to help! With a good number of wounded in Fenmyre's ranks, there was no shortage on what she could do, but the closest wolf to her was the yearling that had joined the pack not long ago. She hadn't spoken to Balthier personally, but she knew of him and his sister. He seemed to have sustained an injury to his shoulder, which was bleeding rather freely. She would start with him.

Aliana hurried up to the yearling boy and placed a dainty paw upon his good shoulder to get his attention. "I'm friendly. Don't move, I need to get you patched up," she instructed him, then pulled out the roll of bandages from her bag along with a small vial of reddish colored liquid. She passed the vial to Balthier, the extract of ginseng and meadowsweet intended to help ease the pain as well as give him a much needed energy boost to keep him going. She wrapped some of the bandages covered in a yarrow paste around his shoulder, the medicine working to help clot the wound. "Drink that. It will help." Once she had finished tending to him, she looked back to the battle, then to Balthier once more. "Your pack still needs you. Go, defend your home." The queen gave the boy's side a gentle pat and his wound a little kiss before stepping away to allow the medicines to revitalize Balthier into a fighting state so he could drive back the pirates. Then she eased her way to the outside of the fighting to watch and wait for others to tend to.

OOC: Aliana uses her Field Medic specialty to revive Balthier and bring him back into the raid.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.