
Upp Wav



10-03-2013, 04:33 PM

This place was really boring, I didn't know why I was here. Really, it could have made for an interesting visit with someone. But I only had Kurai with me, which made it for even worse. The hills were covered in snow, it was like a giant blanket. I took it back, I really loved it when I got a chance to see the snow like this. The newly fallen snow hadn't been disturbed, and it was still falling at that. Reaching my ankles as the white sky gave off small snowflakes falling across my brown pelt. My winter coat kept me warm, and made me seem fatter than I was. After all, it was all muscle mostly. At times other wolves would mistake me as male.
I slid in the snow, making small paw trails. Before leaving prints to observe them over to Kurai's. The fox was already jumping around, looking for possible mice hidden within the snow though he wouldn't be able to find any. I knew how to hunt during the winter, small rabbits, snow rabbits mainly, were abundant and easy to catch. I had survived in a desert for a long time, a place like this was no problem at all. And it really didn't come to any surprise to me.
"Are we going to pay your son a visit soon?" Kurai asked flipping in front of me. I lifted a paw and sat down in the snow. Maybe I should, he turned two this season, he was an adult now and I had less control over him than when he was younger. Not that I had done a good job of raising him anyway. I honestly hoped he didn't hold it against me either. It was one of the many things that plagued my heart.
