
Market Promenade

Chimera ♡


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-05-2022, 06:47 PM
Oh, Aliana knew she was playing with fire by teasing the lecherous king of Fenmyre. That was half the fun of their interactions, though! The usually demure and introverted woman found a side of herself she never knew existed before Chimera had come into her life—or more aptly, she'd been brought into his life. The Klein brute had unlocked a side of her not only repressed, but wholly unidentified. He had liberated her in ways she couldn't possibly have dreamed of as a slave, molded her into what she had grown into. While a part of her would always remain that reserved and meek slave, another part of her had begun to blossom and grow into a compassionate and confident queen. But no matter how empowered she became in her femininity, she would always be Chimera's, in body, mind, and spirit.

The chuckles and low, lustful growls she was able to coax from Chimera's lips were like music to her ears. His primal sounds were so raw, so masculine, and were one of her favorite songs in the world. Oh, so he wanted her to tease him back? Well, she would be his genie and grant his wish then. A seductive smirk on her lips, Ali knew that their walk home would likely be delayed, and was already anticipating what the behemoth of a wolf might do to her. But there was amusement in the anticipation—making him wait for what he wanted gave her a little thrill of control that she enjoyed. In a way, this was her way of playing with him, just as he dominated her and tossed her around when he had his way with her, she could toy with him and keep him waiting on every step, every sway of her hips, every breathy word before she gave him what he wanted. There was power in that, the kind Aliana could really get behind.

While she browsed the furs and pelts the trapper was peddling, Chimera caught her off guard with the salaciousness of his remark, speaking as candidly as if he'd had that response loaded up. Despite her banter, Ali felt her cheeks flush with warmth, turning to shoot him a glance with lidded aqua eyes up from over her shoulder. Her fluffy tail swished out and playfully smacked at the man's hip while he came closer, then ever so slowly snaked it up along the inside of his thigh, keeping her motions surreptitious so none would notice but he would definitely feel. "I suppose it's a good thing that I quite like you nestling in my thigh fur then, my handsome king." Ali spoke with a velvety purr to her voice, still studying the furs casually while she flirted in quite an explicit way with her mate, showing little regard for any prying ears. "You know, I'm quite fond of the fur between your thighs too, my love. Especially on those fluffy balls of yours." Aliana flashed Chimera a cheeky grin and flicked her tail against the inside of his thigh once more just for good measure. No harm in keeping her king eager and ready for the trip home, right?

The two browsed the furs for a moment, Aliana selecting some of the softest and coziest furs to furnish their children's rooms with. She hadn't been paying attention to what Chimera was up to until he lifted the leopard blanket and asked if she thought Reila would like it. Ali glanced up at the mention of the rescued slave, seeing Chimera mulling over the fine pelt for her. A little twinge of something she didn't recognize pulled at her insides while she considered his question. Was it jealousy? That was silly though; Aliana had no reason to be jealous of Reila. But then why did the thought of the other woman with Chimera irk her? Was it because she was a total stranger to everyone on the island, and yet Chimera was out here buying her presents and treating her nicely? Ali thought about how Chimera had treated her for the first couple of months she'd been living with them. What a far cry experience Reila was getting. But maybe he'd just mellowed with age. Stuffing those frustrating emotions down, Aliana mused over the fur and nodded. "It is a lovely blanket. I don't know enough about her to say for sure, but I think any wolf would be happy to receive such a nice gift." The Fenmyrian queen pointed out the furs she'd picked for their sons for the trapper to bundle up, then left Chimera to decide on his gift for the stranger and deal with haggling. She sauntered about to the remainder of the stalls with graceful strides of long legs, looking over some of the cooking meats and sweet treats they peddled while she waited for Chimera to catch back up with her, pausing beside a merchant selling exotic liquors and herbs. Maybe she could find some things to use as medicines that weren't native to Auster or Boreas.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.