
That's A Lot Of Bull...

X-Large Hunt


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-05-2022, 11:22 PM

Rudy had already spoken with Fern about this upcoming hunt, already aware of most of the details however this was her time to lead.  She had come up with the plan and already informed him what his part in it would be.  Goody.  His part had been to make a trap line.  A boring task that he mostly had worked on when injured since he’d been unable to go hunting.  He couldn’t turn down a request from her.  He’d never made a trap meant for an elephant before so it should be interesting to see if it would work out.  

Rudy had ended up in the armory for a while, choosing to add wire coils around vines that were likewise far thicker than what he’d use on a more normal size prey.  Sharp edges poked out from the wiring, grooves where the wite itself had been connected with a braided.  If the elephant slammed itself in hard enough would it cut?  One could hope. Two sets of long wires between trees had been set up near each other, if one only slowed it down or got it off balance then perhaps the second would finish the job.  Even if both only made the elephant stumble there were enough wolves to make use of an opening.

“Fern already thought of using tools to her advantage actually,” Rudy spoke up as Fern asked about the thoughts of others.  “She told me where she hoped to chase the elephant.  I set up trap lines in the woods to run the beast into.  There’s metal in those traps, hopefully, good enough to cut through the elephant's flesh on the leg,” Rudy shrugged, he’d never bitten an elephant so no promises on how well that would work.  “Not that it's necessary to cut it, just getting it off balance should be good enough.” Rudy glanced in the direction of his trap, “There’s a downed tree near where I set the trap, to the left of it.  My scent is also on it. Reddy is also over there, I guarantee you he will make sure we know where it is.”  That hawk could make anything go in the right direction, at least it sure felt that way often enough.  Really, the tree was very noticeable and they all had noses to scent the mark he'd left near his trap.

Rudy didn’t offer more than that on the plan.  Fern could say who would take what position on the hunt.  If it wanted to turn and fight that was fine with Rudy as well.  Fern sure chose a hell of a task to not use her sword for.  Wanted a challenge?  If that elephant harmed a hair on Fern’s head Rudy would find a way to kill it all on his own. The motley wolf with his new set of antlers was also considering the wolves that had joined the hunt, seeing who appeared confident or unsure about the task at hand.

"Rudyard Carpathius"