
That's A Lot Of Bull...

X-Large Hunt


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-06-2022, 08:51 PM
Fern looks to the wolves gathered around her and listens to their suggestions, her lips tugging down into a frown as she realizes just how unprepared she really is. Thankfully she has Rudyard and he speaks up about the traps she had asked him craft, her scattered mind completely forgetting to give the group that critical piece of information. Maybe she should call the hunt off, have them return once she made some weapons and learned more information. Ocean-hued eyes drift over to the gray dot near the border of the trees, doubt flickers across her features for a moment as she weighs her options. Who knows where the elephant might go if they left. Besides, it might not be alone the next time they went to hunt. No, it is now or never.

Turning her attention back to the group, the gray girl offers them a soft smile as she looks toward Jane first. She praises the wolf, as she says, “That is a great idea Jane. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to make spears right now. However, next time we have a hunt like this, you will be in charge in making the spears.” She gives the girl a wink before turning her attention Reila, the only wolf from Fenmyre that had agreed to help. The gray girl offers her a smile as she says, “That is also a very good idea. Thank you for the suggestion.” Taking a deep breath, Fern lifts her head a little higher and says, in the most confident tone she manage, “Alright, here is the plan. Bowen. I have seen you run. You are the fastest wolf I know. Once we get it charging you will guide it toward the trap. Look for Reddy to signal where the trap and please, be careful of the wires. Rudy, Ezra you will be in charge of prodding the beast into charging if it does not to. Use your antlers as much as possible. Jane, Relia and I will create as much noise as possible while attacking its legs. Ladies, I want you to bite anything you can get ahold of, make the elephant angry. Make it want to chase you but please, don’t get hurt.”

Nodding to each wolf in turn, Fern realizes there is one person who doesn’t have a task. Eyes roll to the top of her head to try and spy the small stoat that is peeking out from between her ears as she says, “Puff, I will get you in close enough to jump onto the elephant. Think you can go for its eyes and make it really angry?” The stoat offers the group a huge grin as she says, “That’s what I’m good at! Just be ready to catch me on the way down. Okay?” Fern dips her head in acknowledgement before the gray wolf adds, “Wait for me to tell you when to start attacking. I need to get Puff on the elephant first. Okay?” Once they acknowledge her plan, she spreads out the group and they carefully begin to move closer. They hunker down in the tall waving grass, making sure to stay downwind as they move.

The hulking form of the elephant is soon close enough and she signals a halt to the others. All she has to do now is get Puff on that creature. Taking a deep breath, Fern springs up from her hiding spot, snarling and snapping as she works to gain its attention. She works to sound as aggressive as possible, charging straight toward the huge elephant’s side. It trumpets out its alarm and swings its massive head in her direction, planting its large feet as it stands its ground. Head and trunk swing to the side as it winds up an attack but the gray wolf does not slow her charge. Tusks and trunk swing down toward the wolf and Puff sees her opportunity. Small brown body lunches from Fern’s back to latch onto the trunk, tiny paws quickly finding footholds as she scales the elephant’s head. Fern ducks under the attack, adjusting course to race away from the mad elephant as she yells, “NOW!”

The hunt has officially begun.

"Fern Lark" | "Puff"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.