
A Third Wheel Turns a Bike into a Trike Which is Much More Fun

Artorias, Briar


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
04-07-2022, 02:36 PM

Briar still felt a bit like she was encroaching on something special to them even as Bowen assured her that it didn't belong to them and Artorias reminded her that she would be a Carpathian as well one day. Maybe it was because nothing had been firmly set in stone yet as far as their plans for being married or maybe she was too worried about treading on Bowen's toes, but thinking about herself becoming one of their family and taking their name still felt odd and far away. Bowen only gave a smile and a nod in agreement with what Artorias said though so she tried to assure herself that it really was okay and she smiled in return, chuckling softly to Art's comments about how if he had been able to learn it then surely she'd be able to as well. She had never tried her paw at learning another language, but it sounded like an interesting challenge. "Alright then! I guess we'll have to set up some lessons soon."

Artorias and Bowen agreed to her offer of a bit of truth-or-dare so she got settled herself with her bottle of wine at the ready while Bowen got comfortable and laid out the start of the game. She nodded in agreement when Bowen looked to each of them for confirmation and glanced between her and Artorias while the Carpathian woman started out their game and asked Art if he wanted truth or dare. Briar wasn't surprised at all when Artorias picked dare. It seemed very like him to go for the most challenging option of the lot. She grinned and giggled at Bowen's task for him, knowing that between the shifting sands and the breeze off the ocean keeping anything balanced on his nose, much less a lightweight little cork, would be nearly impossible. To Art's credit he got up and gave it a good go, but even with a second try he still failed the task and had to come back and get a good swig of his drink. Briar laughed lightly and patted his shoulder with fake sympathy as he came to lay with them again.

Then the attention was on her as he turned a grin her way and asked her which of the options she would pick. She hummed softly with consideration for a moment before responding, "Truth." Unlike Artorias she was a bit more trepidatious when it came to dares and she was still getting the lay of the land for what kind of things they would be asking each other to do so she thought that truth would be the wiser option. She quickly realized though that nothing was safe when Artorias declared that she needed to tell them an embarrassing story—not including her loss to him right after they met. She shot him a mostly playful glare and groaned with displeasure at the task, but the little grin on her lips gave away that she was still having a good time. She fidgeted with the bottle between her paws while she throughly considered just taking a drink to have to avoid digging through her embarrassing memories, but decided she should probably save those outs for harder questions than this—especially considering that she was already starting to feel the wine she had already enjoyed.

She thought through a couple of options, some more embarrassing than others, but most of them just kind of cute, silly things that puppies tended to get into. It had been pretty difficult to get into much adventure or trouble when she was little with how she was raised so it was pretty hard to think of anything at first. She started just trying to think of her most embarrassing moment over all and one moment immediately came to mind that made her face heat up with a blush... but it did have the added bonus of embarrassing Art at the same time. She smirked and said, "Well... There was the one time my dad walked in on us in the barracks..." She felt like that sentence alone painted enough of a picture without having to give details, but that also felt a bit like she was getting off easy if she did that. "My dad ran in looking for Art while he was in the Armada training with us and found us... well... you know..." she told Bowen since obviously Art would already know the story, feeling like her face might just burn off from embarrassment while a guilty grin tugged at her lips. "He just said like 'Oh good, you're both here' or something like that and hightailed it out of there."

Once the flush on her cheeks began to dissipate and her own chuckling at their misfortune had died down, she then turned her attention to Bowen. Since Bowen had asked Artorias and Artorias had asked her she figured it was her turn to ask Bowen. "Truth or dare?" Once Bowen responded with her choice of a dare, Briar hummed with thought for a moment before a little smirk pulled at her lips. "Okay... Until after your next turn whatever you say you have to say it with a really silly accent. The sillier the better!"

"Briar Fatalis"