
Violence and Innuendo




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-07-2022, 07:09 PM

It had been quite a while since she had gone this far from the pack's lands, especially on her own, but their trip to The Hallows reminded her of the fact that she had hardly explored the southern continent since they moved there. Her whole attention had been focused on caring for everyone around her and she had hardly thought beyond the island they lived on. That really wasn't a problem for her, but she knew how adventurous and free spirited her daughter was so she wanted to gather some info to bring back to Ruse who just couldn't get enough of the stories about the lands outside of Fenmyre and get an idea of what lands would maybe be safe spots to take her exploring once she was a little bigger. Chimera had already taken her to see the beavers that were still safely contained within their borders, but it wouldn't be long at all before Ruse was past her first birthday and old enough to start wandering the world more.

Her journey past the Hermit's Cove and Cedar Falls she was fairly familiar with brought her to a canyon that she hadn't explored yet. She walked along the edge of the canyon for a bit, peeking down to the bottom where she saw a stream running through it. It didn't seem all that exciting or interesting, but she saw a glimmer of something in part of the canyon wall and wondered to herself if it was maybe a crystal or gem of some kind. If she could find a souvenir to bring back to Ruse she knew her little girl would be even more excited so with a little sigh she started looking for a path down into the canyon. She found a thin ridge that led down to the base of the canyon and figured that was as good a path as any. "Wait here, I won't be long," she said as she glanced back over her shoulder at the mastiff that had been trailing after her for the entirety of the trip. She had left one of her mastiffs home with Ruse to help keep her out of trouble and one came with her, but there was no reason for both of them to try and get down into this canyon. Plus, if something happened then her companion could go back for help.

Dalila carefully made her way down into the steep walled canyon, making it to the bottom without much incident. The stream that ran through it bubbled gently as it flowed over the rocks and she paused for a moment to take a long drink from the cool water. It was very quiet down here, but her paw steps seemed to echo around the walls as she walked. She didn't want to take too long and keep her companion waiting, so she started moving down the canyon, hoping that she could spot whatever it was that had sparkled quickly. It was mostly just endless red rocks for a while, but she did spot a cave and driven by her curiosity she hopped over the thin point in the stream and moved toward it on the other side of the water, peering curiously into the darkness.

"Dalila Vista Klein"