
Now do you believe me?

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-07-2022, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 09:52 PM by Ezra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Subtly and romanticism were very clearly not his strong suit, but he was giving it his best shot. He had tried and tried to wait for the perfect moment to finally reveal his feelings for Syanna to her, but it never felt right so one night while they were cuddled in bed after he made love to her he just came out and told her... only to be met with disbelief. Syanna dismissed his feelings, insisting that he was just infatuated because she was in heat and he was being driven crazy by all the pheromones, and no insisting or convincing he did seemed to change her mind. At first he was just confused and crushed, assuming maybe she didn't feel the same about him so that was her way of brushing him off, but as he thought more about it in the following days he remembered how she had been before their relationship really formed during the first heat he had been with her through—how she had avoided him like the plague because she was convinced brutes just couldn't control themselves around faes in heat and the trauma she had told him about when he finally began to earn her trust.

After he finally started to piece that together he made it his entire life's mission to prove to her that what he said was real. He didn't know where to begin to even try to accomplish such a thing, but he knew that Art at least had gotten Briar some gifts and planed dates and the like sometimes so Ezra took that idea and ran with it. He slowly gathered a few things here and there, hiding them in an unused room in the castle until he thought he had everything he might need to make the perfect date night for her. He managed to get Gwynevere to work with him and got the lead healer to give Syanna a task collecting herbs that would keep her away for a good portion of the day and that's when he got everything set up. He picked a spot at the edge of the Starlit Plains near the stream and loaded up his supplies in a small cart to take out there. He rolled out a large, soft fur to lay on, sat out a little selection of meats, berries, and wine, and—most importantly—he surrounded it all with all kinds of plants and flowers. There was far more flowers and vines than there was anything else in the cart since he had been collecting those tirelessly over the last few days, determined to make the prettiest scene that he could think of with something that he knew Syanna liked.

When he was done the sun was just beginning to set and the stars were beginning to peek out here and there. The picnic spot was surrounded in what was basically a huge bouquet and he even gathered up a few candles from around the castle and used a flit and steel to carefully light them, sticking them in the ground near the set up since that felt pretty romantic. Finally, he hid his little gift for her under the edge of the fur by their dinner and then stood back to admire his work. He supposed it was as good as it was going to get so he hoped maybe it might be enough to finally sway her. He lifted his head and let out a soft howl for her since he figured she would surely be back from her errands by now and then sat down on the fur in the middle of all these flowers and greenery to wait for her.

"Ezra Adravendi"