
Hunting 101



10-03-2013, 05:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Since the pack meeting, Ashtoreth had been doing her best to keep herself busy. The last thing she had wanted to do was consider too heavily what all had been said, what all awaited them in the future. War. Fighting. Unrest. It was all too much for her, really. She enjoyed the peace, the tranquility, knowing that her home was safe as she was in it. To be able to relax after a well executed hunt or spare a moment to catch up with the few true friends she could name among her pack mates was a dream come true. In all honesty, she was incredibly happy with the way things were.

It was a terrible shame change was an inevitable thing.

She had been out scouting, making her way through the sparse wooded areas of Valhalla in search of hidden prey, herds that might have taken shelter within the few meadows that resided alongside the forests and plains. So far she had been able to locate a family of hares, a skittish raccoon, and had heard the sound of a boar, but not the large herds she had been searching for. It was rather disappointing; she had been hoping to find some big game that she might enlist the help of her hunters to catch. Hunters. She loved being able to say the word in its plural form.

Interrupting her ventures, Ashtoreth paused amid the trees to perk her ears and listen as another wolf beckoned her, for a moment surprising her into stillness. Who was it who called for her? It was rare that she had anyone single her out for anything - particularly since the lean grey hunter had been doing her best to keep the cache of available food well stored for the rest of the pack - but a sudden notion struck her that caused a wide smile to spread across her face and for her mood to pick up further than it already was. This might have been one of her hunters.

Without wasting time, she abandoned her search and set out quickly toward the caller, leaving the shelter of the trees and bounding through the plentiful grasses that covered the plains of their home. The other was easy to spot, a dark figure elevated above the grasses so as to spot her approach. Ashtoreth wagged her tail in hello before she arrived, sure that the other would spot her as she neared, and waited until she had maneuvered enough through the grasses to fully see the female seated upon the boulder to speak. Immediately she took in the state of the she-wolf, scarred and a little tattered, but looking as if she had a good spirit about her. Ash admired her already.

"Hello there," she greeted, smiling brightly, "I take it you know who I am." How else would she have been able to call to her directly otherwise? "Are you one of my hunters?" she asked cheerily, hoping she would be correct. So much she wished to meet with all of them and learn where they would function well once they began their group hunts, and the sooner she had them all figured out the sooner they would begin providing for their pack the way it was meant to be done.