
She is the sunshine


10-03-2013, 05:10 PM

Dark tipped ears flicked, brows creased slightly at the strange nature of this girl. He watched with mild curiosity, wondering if she would listen to what he had warned her. He figured he might've been a little harsher then he intended, but he wanted to get her out of the danger of these strange lands and somewhere safer. He let an inward sigh of relief go as she nodded, confirming that she would heed his warning. He turned, flicking his tail for her to follow. Though she made as if to follow, then would turn around and pick up the object she had been investigating in the first place. Sapphire eyes watched as she picked it up, ears tilting slightly as she spoke. Myff? What kind of a name was Myff? He would move before answering, taking off at a careful trot.

He would glance back at her every so often, making sure that she followed and then he would finally reply. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Byakuro Shimo. Watch your step, I sense dangerous things underfoot." he warned. Blackened paws would trail over the ground lightly, eyes peeled for any sign of dangerous things. A small glint would catch his eye not far off, though it simply looked like a thin thread of a spiders web...
