
Ways to skin a cat

Hunting lesson



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-09-2022, 01:03 PM

Practically everybody and their mother knew Usagi’s first and foremost passion was fighting. He craved the adrenaline of a swift, might opponent, the clashing of blades and gnashing teeth. He did it all with the grace of a dancer and the fierceness of a boxed-in lion - all in what appeared to be orderly and incredibly composed in fashion. Still, sparring all the time wouldn’t do much for a pack that needed to feed its members, particularly the youngest ones. Plus, hunting itself had its variety of introguing subjects, and thought Usagi wouldn’t admit it loud and proud, he was a bit curious about Sedna’s handiwork. Kuroo sang his praises about how amazing of a teacher she was, and Usagi had yet to meet her more frequently. So, he followed after Kuroo some distance away, sheathed sword still slung across his shoulders as his companions trailed obediently behind. Dispensing the sword to his Akita and quietly ushering them away, he came across a most interesting sight through the clearing. Quirking a brow, Usagi padded towards Kuroo, briefly brushing past his shoulder in a silent, brotherly greeting as he took a seat as well. Sedna had been busy, it appeared - he was impressed at her ability to handle her children’s needs as well as teaching the pack her skills. She was well-rounded, no doubt.

Cold, mossy eyes scanned the sights - the brains in the turtle shell, the various fox and rabbit corpses, then to the spotted cat the nebula-pelted woman was currently carving into with remarkable precision. He, himself, had some experience with tanning - his sword was furnished by yours truly, after all - he picked up a thing or two about crafting leather and hide, but only the mere basics. Soon after his brother spoke, Usagi cast his expresionless gaze towards Sedna and added, ”I can assist as well, if need be.” His voice, though devoid of any clear emotion, uncovered the slightest of intrigue at her work. Perhaps even his stubborn mind would learn a thing or two, even as the bitterness surrounding Raijin’s arrival lit a flame beneath him he couldn’t put out.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—