
A different sort of dance

Fight lesson



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-09-2022, 01:19 PM
Usagi hadn’t planned to travel to the bay that day, particularly because he disliked fishing and anything to do with it - which is mainly what he equated the bay to, anyways. Perhaps it was a grand generalization, considering the sand was soft yet firm at the same time, an even and well-placed bank which actually seemed ideal for a light spar. He just never quite liked the area, either - Kuroo was the fisher for the pack, and thus, he left the bay to his brother’s attendance. Still, something drew him closer until he saw Sedna herself, calling for her children. Two of the, had arrived, placing themselves in hand-drawn circles in tje sand and mimicking their mother’s stretches. The sword-carrying wolf approached, though he was a tad reluctant. Those who knew him knew well his feelings for that suspicious man, Raijin, whom seemed a bit too close to the suggestion of their real father. But it couldn’t be - even if the appearance and bob tail were unmistakable in some regards, and his knowledge of, no. Kaicho wouldn’t do that to him and Kuroo, teasing them with such a prospect that may or may not have merit. He pushed the bitter thoughts deeper into his consciousness, though his frown and permanently cold, bitter gaze gave away that he wasn’t exactly a ray of sunshine.

Giving in to his brief curiosity and not wanting to brush Sedna off entirely - she was highly skilled, after all - he approached and glanced at the children present currently. Fuji was the pink, tiny one, and the other he briefly scanned his mind for when he came up with Burūberu. Fiji and Burūberu. Got it. He gave the children each a nod in greeting, offering his usual, bland "Hello," to Sedna as well before taking a place behind the others. Slipping off his double-bladed sword and setting it off to the side, the flop-eared wolf began to quietly do his own version of her stretches, making sure to bow and stretch his back, as well as extend his powerful hind legs one at a time - they were his biggest asset in a spar, after all.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—