
Finding My Place Here



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-09-2022, 05:37 PM
The nervous excitement that seems to radiate off Ricin causes the boy to smoosh his words together in his haste to ask for higher position within the pack. Manea chuckles softly and a small, lopsided grin appears on his dark lips while his body wiggles with barely contained energy. When she repeats his request back to him, the blue boy’s eyes widen in excitement and his bobs his head up and down vigorously. The smile that she gives him has some of the tension melting out of his frame and a brighter smile filling out his face. How he wished she had been the boys mother. But history cannot be changed and instead, Ricin has decided to devote his life to helping Manea and the pack, every waking moment he has will be given in service to them. She speaks and the light blue boy straightens up, squaring his shoulders and nodding in firm agreement as she speaks. She asks if he can do everything a Rimor’s duty requires and he lets his crimson gaze firmly lock onto her turquoise eyes before saying, “I am.”

With that, Manea gives him a task to scout the area near the pack for a place that will be useful to them and Ricin once more nods his understanding. With the serious stuff done, another happy smile appears as Ricin enthusiastically says, “I won’t let you do Manea! Keep an ear out for me. I’ll find us the best hideout ever!” Bidding her farewell, the gangly boy lopes off in the direction of the den he shares with Chade. He will inform his brother of the task given before packing some food and heading out to scout the nearby areas. Ricin is determined to be the first Rimor of the pack and nothing will stop him from accomplishing it.

"Ricin Dauner"