
As black smoke engulfs the sky RAID


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
04-10-2022, 04:15 PM
The boys didn't take long to respond to him, turning around to face him after besting one of his pack mates. He hardly knew the girl, but he knew well enough that she was strong. Perhaps these boys won by chance alone, and that was enough of a reason to take them on. If he won, it would be in a bit of vengeance although this was a friendly spar. Besides, the other girl just weakened these boys up a bit for him and so he believed this to be rather ease aside from the challenge of taking on two instead of one. He had size on his side though, standing a good bit over them still with weight and muscle they could only dream of at their age. He wouldn't be taken by surprise however, they had bested Gossamer fairly before him. He wouldn't let himself forget that.

As the spotted one charged head on, only to pivot at the last second to reach for his rear left paw, Grimshaw pivoted his own rear to avoid the hold the boy wished to place. Teeth scraped across his flesh as he stepped out of the way unable to avoid the entirety of the attack while focusing on two opponents, exposing his right side to the pale boy as they charged towards him with their shoulder pressed forward. Grimshaw didn't have a chance to move out of the way and took the hit the pale boy aimed for with a grunt. His paws skid on the ground at the hit, sliding him slightly from the force but he held strong. A deep bruise would form on his own shoulder from the direct hit, but it did little to stun him in that moment. Tomorrow, though, he'll be sore as hell.

Fighting two opponents was difficult, but now in close quarters with one and less so with the other, Grimshaw considered this to likely be the best place to be. Quickly his hind paws shuffled beneath him, twisting himself around to place himself side-to-side with Ghoul. Simultaneously as his right forelimb sought to wrap around Ghoul's left forelimb in an attempt to keep him close, sharp fangs sought to grab and hold the boys scruff in order to use the larger pup as a weapon or shield for when the spotted pup came in for an attack.

Grimshaw vs Ghoul and/or Macabre for dominance
Round 1/2
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather foreleg bracers with knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Dire wolf skull head armor
Companion 1: Wolverine, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Black howler monkey, Male - Battle
*Companion 3: Melanistic flying fox, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Elongated sharper teeth - Offensive
Mutation 2: Double upper canines - Offensive
Mutation 3: Enhanced vision - Perception
Skills: Expert Fighter & Expert Hunter



Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex