
sunbeams are never made like me


Nirvana I


2 Years

04-10-2022, 07:57 PM
The search, the ache, the hunger to create something and be part of something that would live on far after they were gone. They all had it. They were all living it. Yet here, in these moments, Nirvana wasn't so sure that she could make it happen. Not in the same way Manea had. She'd been building her legacy for so long... Nirvana got to be a part of that. Where would she be able to leave her mark within it, among those of her family? She'd be able to do it with them, right? With them, and yet she still longed to do for herself, as well. She needed to. Longed to.

As her aunt rested a paw on her cheek, Nirvana leaned in. It was comfort. It was familiar. It was what she'd been missing the entire time she'd been on her own, and it's that tenderness which allows thoughts to slide into place. "I don't want to be far away from you again, at least not for that long." The words were quiet, a soft admission. It wasn't homesickness, no. It was something different, a longing for the nearness of family. Her family. The offer that comes is something Nirvana wouldn't have even thought to ask for. Holding a place within Elysium, but being able to come and go as she pleased. It's an idea that brings a glimmer to her eye, and a flutter of excitement to her chest.

"That sounds... even better than anything I would have thought up, really." Nirvana can't help it, she moves forward to press her cheek into the side of her aunt's neck. She's happy. She can keep her family, she can continue on her quest. She can do everything without having to give up anything... how did Manea get to be so smart, anyway? Nirvana is grateful for her, and grateful for her family, above all.
