
Fragile Innocence


10-03-2013, 05:58 PM

Arietta nodded in response to the white she-wolf's words. It was natural for wolves to move south when the cold came in, yet she ended up leaving the warm islands for the mainland. Arietta wasn't sure if she was really well suited to the cold, but she wanted to meet other wolves and learn more about her kind. Her ears lowered slightly as the other mentioned that the cold would become dangerous. How dangerous could it be? Did things get worse from here?

The brown wolfess looked out into the snowy lands before flicking her gaze back to the other. Perhaps she should head south for a little while too. She didn't realize that snow could build up very thick and cause it to be hard to search for prey.

She focused her attention on the other wolf once more, her ears twitching as the other spoke her name. Io. It was short, but pretty at the same time. She frowned a bit hearing that the other she wolf was also separated from her family. "I'm sorry to hear that... perhaps you'll find them someday though." At least Io had that possibility. As of now Arietta had no family... no family at all.

The wolfess took comfort in Io's presence. She was kind and tolerant. Arietta turned her gaze to the rabbit the other offered her. "Thank you." She took a bite before she looked back to Io, a question forming in her mind.

"Io... do you perhaps have any idea about the things on these walls...? Where they came from I mean."
