
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-06-2013, 01:07 PM
In the red wood forest, Zarzenova could be found walking; weaving more so among the trees. After weeks of travel; her feet sore and her legs ached. Enduring this for what? Only to seek out this new and strange land. Just before leaving her homeland, a massive sound could be heard. Expanding and reaching across with gaping fingers. The sound was as if something big had exploded in the land of Alacritis. Still the source was unknown to the female. The wolf dressed in white seemed to blend into the forest. White on white; snow on snow, a fallen angel perhaps she was, but by far Zarzenova was no angel. Ruthless and gutless; She would kill just for fun; to watch someone suffer. She looked as if she was a piece of heaven, but with a heart of hell. Bound by chains; steel cold metal snakes coiled around her soul. That basically summed up Zarzenova.

With no place in particular in mind, the female just meandered about. Taking note of her surroundings, how the trees curved, the way the forest smelled, the sounds that carried on the wind. She observed and collected these thoughts, these memories and desires for safe keeping. Who knows if she will ever need this info for future reference? Black and white. That is how one must look at things. There is no good, nor evil. Everything is just painted plainly for one to see. One must just look beyond. At least that was Zarzenova?s belief. It was a limited belief, but it did not concern the female. Carrying on with her little ?adventure? she imagined what she could do to gain the upper thrust for leadership. She hungered for it, salivated for it. But no. Her father wanted another wolf so unlike herself to be the heir. It peeved her. She was his blood! She was better, beautiful, and more cunning. What a prideful and foolish girl she was. Not realizing she was only a yearling and much too small; only weighing 95 pounds. A ragdoll really was all she was. Zarzenova was sensitive about her size at times, seeing the other, much bigger lupine around her. So she strived to be better, to fight the best, to do everything above and beyond the rest. The female cocked her petite head at the sound of a jay, its call echoing. A small smile emerged on her face; a rare thing. Standing in the snow, all movement ceased to exist. With one eye blue, the other a striking orange, she glanced around her. The feeling of this place changed. Was another beast lurking? Sniffing the air, as it filled her lungs the scent was unmistakable. Fresh blood. But where? On edge now, she knew she was not alone. Another hunter prowled. Zarzenova decided she must be wary, for who knew if it was a bear or a mere bobcat? Zarzenova didn?t want to die on her first day home.

Word count//493
Listened to// The Used
Notes// None