
You Take What Is Yours And I'll Take Mine




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-11-2022, 08:20 PM

While Relm was mostly secluded to herself and her duties, she did care an awful lot about what Manea specifically thought of her. Being here with Kichi and Alastor was the only thing she wanted in her life and the only good things to happen to her. It wasn't easy for her to be likable and that wasn't specific to Manea or so she thought. She actually thought very lowly of herself and while no where near a common ground with Manea, so highly of her. Manea and Alastor ran Elysium together, but ultimately she believed that Manea would have the final say if it came down to removing her. She didn't want that, but if that's how it had to be...

It was about midday, the celebration for the yearlings birthdays would be upon them any day she assumed, and she did want to work better with Manea. She had wanted to seek her out for maybe over the last week now, but really couldn't work up the courage to do so. Not go find her in the middle of Manea's duties that was. She simply waited to find her in the common areas as long as it wasn't so late in the day, and so when she spotted her resting along the lake shores she sucked it up and took her opportunity.

She quietly approached her, awkwardly as ever, waiting until she was close enough for her to hear her and so she didn't have to shout, "Manea?" She questioned a little hesitantly, Relm's social anxieties were easy to notice. Still she took a quiet breath, and just as when she sparred Manea it was like something washed over her and she was in a different mind set, "I wanted to see if you wanted to join me in a hunt for the yearling celebration." Just like she broke the ice with Alastor in their spar, she was hoping to do the same thing with Manea. A little differently driven of course. Relm wasn't aware of Manea being pregnant yet so she wasn't expecting her to not being feeling well or weak from the growing pups in her stomach and of course she didn't know those types of things first hand.
