
Luxury Accommodations



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-11-2022, 10:15 PM

Manea couldn't help but chuckle as Artorias explained that the only prerequisites to staying in the castle was that they not cause any violence or bloodshed while on their lands. She grinned and glanced at Alastor, giving his shoulder a playful nudge with her own. "Are you listening, darling? No violence or bloodshed. Don't go getting us kicked out of the castle." Her tone was light and joking, but with Alastor there was always a bit of seriousness to her warnings to behave himself. He had actually proved himself to be better than she had expected at their moments of diplomacy and decorum, but at the end of the day he was still her wild, untamed demon that could easily find himself some trouble if she looked away too long. She nodded to Artorias as he invited them into the pack and smiled as she stepped toward to follow him up toward the castle for this grand tour he had promised.

Just as she had hoped, her comment about the state he had been in during their last interaction got the young alpha flustered and she tossed him a sly grin when he looked back toward her sheepishly. She chuckled and replied, "Oh no, quite the contrary. I think you showing up at the border reeking of sex made me like you all the more." He was so easy to tease and it was absolutely adorable and endearing, but she had a feeling that there was more to the blue-hued male than this friendly, proper demeanor. She just had to work her way in to get him more comfortable with them to get him on board when what she hoped could be one of the highlights of their vacation. Artorias spoke again, wishing them well on the making of their next litter, and a wide grin pulled across her features as he hopelessly tripped over his own words, making her giggle and share an amused glance with Alastor. She bit back another teasing comment that would have probably only deepened his embarrassment and instead replied with that teasing purr still to her tone, "I know what you meant, darling. We certainly are having a lot of fun so far."

She spared the poor brute while he gave them a tour of the impressive castle, her curious aqua gaze taking it all in while he lead them through hallways and grand rooms, showing them the layout and highlights of the first floor of the castle. It was quite the location to call home and it was definitely unlike anything she had ever seen before. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about being enclosed like this for extended periods of time, but it was very cozy and she could see how having all of the fireplaces that were dotted through the castle would be a fantastic luxury during the winter. They ended in the guest room they were presented in and she hummed appreciatively as she stepped past Artorias to walk into the room and check it out, "accidentally" brushing her side along Artorias' as she went. "This is certainly quite the abode you have here, Artorias," she told him as after she looked at the plush, comfortable looking bed curiously, looking back at him over her shoulder with a grin.

She turned to face him again, finding her way back to Alastor's side and leaning into him while Artorias offered them all the amenities the castle had to offer and invited them to make themselves at home—as well as telling them to tell him anything they needed or wanted. She smirked a little at that since what she currently had in mind probably wasn't on the list of things he was considering when he made that offer, or perhaps it was and he was more salacious than she gave him credit for. "This is all very generous, thank you," she said with a little dip of her head. "Would you and your Queen maybe like to have dinner together tonight? A little double date with the alpha couples," she suggested, partially as an excuse to pull him away from his duties again when it might be a more suitable time to steal him away and so that she could finally meet this famed Queen that made herself known in the most humorous way Manea could have imagined. Perhaps if they partook in the wine as well it could be a good time for all.

"Manea Mendacium"