
Getting Into Trouble


10-03-2013, 06:15 PM
ooc// not sure if you planned for a mom fox to come bursting out lol just in case I made the post for that should you decide for one to appear XD if it does I don't mind getting in a little scrap with it haha


A yawn would spread her jaws wide open, her nap would seem to elude her. She had been walking a lot lately, a lone traveler in these strange lands. She had placed herself under the protection of an oak, the colors of fall surrounding her on all sides. She rested her head gently upon bandaged forelegs, her long horse like tail wrapped over her back. Eyes would begin to drift closed when a sudden cry pierced the air. "Mama Mama! Help!"

Silvery audits would raise, her head lifting with them as furrowed brows and wary investigative eyes stared into the distance. Was that the sound of a pup she heard just now? Immediately, her body would pull herself up and her legs moved forward at a swift pace, her heart pounding with the possibility of an encounter. But what would she encounter, exactly? She was about to find out. As she neared, she could detect the scent of blood, and among it the scent of young wolf cub She hurried her pace, now moving in a few quick bounds before breaking through the bushes behind the distressed cub. She faced the fox cub, a stern look upon her face as she stopped, her body standing protectively over the young boy. Her teeth were bared, blue gaze never leaving the fox cub. She was sure that if this baby was here, then a mom would not be far off.

Her long tail would gently wrap around the frightened cub as she urged him to move away. "We must move before the mother comes..." she whispered urgently.