
Another bear, goody



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
04-12-2022, 05:21 PM

Kichi made his way along the canyon at an easy trot, he was on a quest to fight and kill something.  Whether it became a hunt or some predator to kill he was bound to find one or the other.  His mind had been absorbed lately in other matters that had stolen his attention, roaming with intents to learn and kill but not focusing enough to really get anything done.  That was over now, Kichi wasn’t going to let younger kids than himself improve at a faster pace.  Kichi had once felt he was superior to all others, that’s what he’d been told as a pup after all.

That was a joke.  There were pups in the pack that apparently had better skills than he did.  Kichi had no excuse and that was bugging him lately.  Smelling bear Kichi learned that he’d have some fighting to do today.  Pulling his teeth back in a grin he spotted the bear up ahead at the entrance to the valley.  Kichi didn’t wait for an invitation or concerned about being alone.  His mind thought to how he’d been bested by two bears in the recent past.  There wouldn’t be a third occurrence.  Gravel skittered through his paws at the end of the canyon and then it was softer grass.

The bear roared as he approached, Kichi bared his fangs.  As the bear reached out to swipe Kichi spun around to bite at the paw but only getting fur.  The bear swung around and stepped in towards him with its muzzle hardly even a foot away, the bear’s paw coming at him again.  Kichi bit at the bear’s nose, getting a spurt of blood and the bear’s well-aimed shot paused as the bear’s paw hit the ground as it thrashed its head angrily about to get the wolf off his nose.
Kichi did something between jumping and falling a short distance, quickly regaining his balance and another stare-off.  
