My, What Fluffy Ear You Have...
Kichi Predator
04-12-2022, 04:23 PM
**Thread takes place before Fall, Year 17 seasonal**
Okay, to be fair, Tove had only come down to the ‘cursed’ lands below the wall because she had seen a huge herd of deer. Cautiously she moves through some clustered trees, following the scent of the prey animals. How was she supposed to know that she wasn’t the only one hunting here? A loud, angry roar reaches her ears as Tove turns to see a large, white polar bear charging her. No way is she giving up on this food so easily! Sending up a call for help, she dodges the charge and rolls back to her paws to sets her defenses. Fuzzy bear is going down.
Tove is heavily scarred on her face, neck, and shoulders. Please note that none of her art depicts them but they are there.