
Conflicting Thoughts




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-12-2022, 11:07 PM

Chimera both saw and felt Aliana pull back from him. She pulled all of her emotion inside, he imagined where she felt that she was safe. The man's ears pulled back for a moment, knowing that he did this to her, that he was making her feel this way. Emotions... were difficult for Chimera to share. Having Aliana reject and withdraw from him when he was trying to be honest and truthful with her was... hurtful, in a way. It made him less likely to want to do it again in the future. Would he always have to hold others at arms length? Siren understood his nature and he assumed that Aliana would as well, but this apparently wasn't the case.

Her short, pointless response drew a low growl of irritation from the man. He released Aliana's pale paw and brought it to his face, rubbing the area between his brows where a headache had instantly started to pound thanks to his scowl. He didn't understand her. If she had begun to have feelings for someone else and she was smart enough to tell him about it, he would have commended her for it before killing the wolf in question. To Chimera, telling the woman that he loved about the conflicting feelings within him had felt like the right thing to do. He was showing that he trusted her. What a fucking mess...

Chimera stood, rolled his shoulders and began pacing. It felt better to move than to sit still beside the woman that was clearly judging him. Perhaps it was due to the lack of care given when he was growing up, but Aliana's reaction truly bothered him. He had never shared such things before with anyone other than his sister. This being his first intentional baring of his heart, it was definitely not going how he'd planned. Had he expected her to accept it? No. He had, however, expected something. A discussion... something.

"Would you rather I hadn't told you?" he asked, still pacing back and forth on the far side of the fire. "Would you rather that your input meant nothing to me?" They obviously had different views on this. Chimera felt that he was being honest and true to her, the woman that he held so dear. It was clear that she didn't feel the same and that truly bothered him. What the fuck did women want? He had three women beneath him already. Was it so far of a stretch to believe that he might develop feelings for another? He had welcomed Dalila into the fold. Had his love of Aliana lessened? Not an ounce. Was he asking for permission to fuck Reila? No. Chimera was simply being truthful. He didn't want to hide anything from Aliana. Another low growl pulled from the brute and his lips pulled back, teeth flashing in the flickering light of the fire for but a moment. He was frustrated, clearly. Perhaps he should just leave.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.