
Shocking. Found another big bear



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-13-2022, 12:54 PM

After finding Kichi fighting the bear in the north last time she was here, it wasn't nearly as surprising this time around. She supposed he was just in the mood for fighting bears. This time though he was faced off with a polar bear and that made her second guess her choice to jump right into the fray this time. Polar bears were way more aggressive and dangerous than other bears so she wasn't sure why Kichi was so willing to just run in toward it, but she supposed it might be worth the challenge just to test their skills. She sighed and then followed after her pack mate as he dove in for its back leg. She hung back and waited for the bear to turn to face him as he darted out of the way to avoid its claws and as soon as the polar bear was now no longer facing her she rushed out from her hiding spot behind some rocks to land her own attack on its back leg as well. She figured that if they were able to create a weak point it would be easier to take the giant bear down. She hooked her tiger-like claws into the wound Kichi created and cut into it deep, worsening the wound and cutting through tendons. That made the bear stager a bit as blood flowed freely down its leg and it no longer seemed to be able to put its full weight on it. She ran back out of the way again, avoiding any retaliation the bear might throw her way.

"Avacyn Mendacium"