
You Take What Is Yours And I'll Take Mine




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-13-2022, 08:49 PM

Relm was clearly surprised by her current state which made sense considering she hadn't really made a big show of it or talked about it much. Those who needed to know would know and the rest of the pack would find out naturally as her pregnancy progressed and her body showed the signs of it. With Relm's original plan shot down she had half expected the pink-marked woman to take her leave, but instead she sat down and asked if there was anything else she wanted help with. She gave Relm a curious and slightly suspicious glance, but considering one of her issues with the other woman from the beginning was feeling as if she was unwilling to make an effort she felt like she would be hypocritical if she turned her away now. Manea was being forced to actually follow through with the promise she made to herself to try and find common ground with this woman that Alastor cared about and in some ways she was thankful that she didn't have to be the one to approach Relm first and in others she wished it was a time when she felt more like herself.

"Well... I do need to start making my way back up to the caves so I can get something to eat and take the herbs Irilyth prescribed for me. Would you accompany me?" She didn't like to admit how worn down she had allowed herself to get in the first few weeks of her pregnancy and now it was difficult to do much of anything—including climbing the mountain trail to get back to their dens. She usually waited until Alastor was done with his tasks for the day so that he could go with her to make sure she made it without incident, but since Relm was here and offering her help she might as well take advantage. She rolled slowly onto her paws and stood, her round belly a bit more obvious when she was standing. Her back and legs ached, but luckily the trip back to the den wasn't all that far, albeit a bit steep.

She started to walk with Relm beside her, quiet and not really sure what to say. She felt like she had to address the elephant in the room, but she also wondered if perhaps it would be easier to just ignore it and allow Relm and Alastor's relationship to be what is was. In the end she finally decided that not confronting it would only allow it to borrow into her insecurities again and she was trying to avoid that for all of their sakes. "Alastor told me about... you two," she told her, giving Relm a glance as they moved steadily through the winding path. "I've gotten his side of things and his promises and assurances, but I need them from you as well." Her tone wasn't hard or accusatory or threatening. She was simply stating a fact and looking to make sure that Relm's feelings on the matter matched Alastor's. "I don't control Alastor's every move. He's allowed to make his own decisions, have his own fun. If it's just about the sex then fine. If it's more than that... then you're towing a fine line."

"Manea Mendacium"