
Never Meant To Hurt You




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-14-2022, 08:49 AM
He returned his broken colored gaze to her as he stopped at the border and found her expression cut him to the core. His own mask slipped as his expression crumbled for a moment as she shook her head and bubbled an apology yet again. She was sorry, but he’d come to accept there was nothing to be done. Their time together was over, she belong to and with Artorias and it wasn’t fair to keep following behind her like a lost puppy. His place had never been beside her, despite the feelings beneath the surface. He denied them, because if he embraced any part he’d break. And Bowen didn’t deserve to see any of that. His sweet delicate Bowen…

He shook himself and his soft smile returned to his features as he pushed his muzzle beneath her chin so she would lift her head. "Shh, hey, it’s alright.” He had already convinced himself now he was going to help her one last time to see. "You don’t need me, that’s supposed to be a good thing.” He encouraged her, offering an innocent kiss on her forehead as she stuttered softly. This was goodbye and they both knew it.

Haiku knew it would be less painful if he asked her to go now, a swift farewell and then he could begin to nurse his wounds. Before he could answer her question, his attention was caught by movement as a familiar form raced towards them. His elder sister Poem. She greeted him, relieved and sorrowful at the same time. She thought he was dead, she missed him, they all did. Before he could explain about Bowen but after welcoming pleasantries, Poem’s eyes stared into his similar gaze. During the cursed night they had lost Rhyme.

Haiku froze, his mouth hanging open and the fractures of his heart turned to fissures. Shock held him for a blessed few moments as he struggled to realize what this meant. He had sacrificed his father’s last year to be at Bowen’s side. Neither of them could have realized that consequence, and yet now he was here living it. Poem tried to comfort him but he brushed her off and asked her to leave. Assuring her he would follow her into Abaven eventually.

His glossy gaze returned to Bowen as he faced a much more difficult goodbye. A sweet numbness held him for a few precious moments of peace before the turmoil would take him in its grasp.

"Bowen & Haiku"

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby