
Some Brother Sister Time

Pontifex I


10-03-2013, 07:08 PM

There were so many things going on Seracia. The birth of the royal family, new members coming in, promotions, including Pontifex's own. He had risen in rank from being an esquire, to becoming the Grand Duke, one of highest positions in the pack next to the alpha's and the ambassadors. Speaking of promotions, his sister loccian too had gotten a promotion. She was an ambassador now, taking the responsibility of speaking with the neighboring packs and making treaties and such. As far as packs went, Seracia seemed to be on good terms with nearly everyone except Glaciem and Amenti. Amenti had just recently changed rule to some stranger that the Duke didn't care too much to figure out who she was. Glaciem on the other hand, appeared to be a threat to Seracia. Not an imminent threat, but a possible one since they were having trouble with Valhalla and Val was their sister pack.

The Grand Duke wasn't too worried about any harm coming their way, but he could help but worry about his sister Loccian. She was a healer, despite her new rank, which meant that she would most likely either run or need someone to defend her if things ever went bad. Pontifex could defend her, he would, he just hoped that it wouldn't come to that point. He had become busier with his new rank and the responsibility that came with it and so time to spend with his only sibling had diminished. But today would be a different story. A smooth call would ring across Seracia, meant for only one set of ears; his. Seemed that Loccian had too noticed their lack of seeing each other. A gentle smile would curve the man's lips as he rose from his resting spot beneath a tree, giving himself a quick shake before moving towards the sound of his sister's call. Weaving through the foliage, the Duke would come to the lake in Seracia, golden gaze spotting Loccian sitting at the edge of it.

Pontifex would approach quietly, bumping his muzzle against her shoulder as he slowly came to sit beside her, plume half curled around his haunches. I've missed you Loccian. he would murmur gently, crown craning around to face his sister.

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