
A Place To Call My Own[Joining]

Pontifex I


10-03-2013, 07:16 PM

Asides from being a pro fisher, I am also usually able to sway and deter enemies from starting unnecessary fights. However, if a fight does initiate...I am well gifted in the area of fighting. I'm capable of moving with swift speed and strength...though I may not look it. I come from a line of Alphas, so it's kinda built into me. I am also able to track other scents very well, due to living on the coast where it was neccessary to know whether or not sea predators and prey were. I may not seem like much, but I am well rounded in a lot of different fields...though advising and tracking are my preferred. And fighting a close third since words are unimportant to power hungry wolves. Pontifex was pleasantly surprised. He already known she was a fisher, but he wasn't aware that she had so many skills. She could track, as well as fight. She sounded like she would fit perfectly in Seracia. Though, he was exactly sure what kind of rank she would get, but she would know once she spoke to his King about it.

I've definitely heard everything I need to hear. Welcome to Seracia Pacifica. A wide grin split the man's jaws apart, grey plume wagging behind him. She was a part of Seracia now. Things were definitely looking up.

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