
Just a little breather


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
04-16-2022, 10:20 PM
With his head still tilted, Ricin watches the older wolf as she begins to talk. When she about how she figures its relevant, the boy straightens his head to offer her a brief nod of understanding. As Desponia begins to talk of their family beliefs, the blue boy stays silent, listening with rapt attention and respect nods. She speaks of litters being born into the family and how one is allowed to survive. Brows furrow in confusion, ready to ask why when she brushes it off as too much to explain. Giving a small nod, he holds his tongue and allows the purple woman to continue. Forehead crinkles in sadness at hearing Desponia’s sad tale and Ricin feels lost. Part of him feels the unfairness of it all, his own experiences tinting the color of the lens he views her story through. But… he also respects Manea and her family which, also means he respects her family’s beliefs.

Desponia voices her feelings of the injustice at everything before she falls silent and leaves Ricin to ponder her words. A silence settles over them as he contemplates everything. Finally, he seeks out her pink gaze as he says, “I am sorry to hear that Desponia. I respect Manea and her family and, because of that, I also respect their family beliefs.” Ricin needs her to understand that he will never go against his alpha or her family. Another shorter pause follows before he releases a sigh as he continues on, “However, I do understand about life being unfair. Chade and I… we had three other siblings. We were only six months old when our dad died and mom kicked all of us out of the den. Out of five pups, we were the only ones to survive.” Sadness fills his crimson eyes as he speaks of times past. Eyes leave the purple woman and move to look over the land as he lapses into silence.

Emotions raise and fall, hopelessness, sadness, confusion all cross his features as he wars with himself. It takes a moment for before Ricin begins to talk again and he does, he keeps his eyes facing away from Desponia, “I understand the feeling of being unwanted and, while I don’t understand exactly how you feel, I… can sympathize.” Eyes slowly track over toward the purple wolf, sorrow poorly hidden within their crimson depths. He feels torn between his loyalty to Manea and the sympathy he feels for Desponia. Would Manea be angry if he became friends with her sister?

"Ricin Dauner"