
Lets make a deal

Asla & Indy



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-17-2022, 01:48 PM

Manea wandered around the Stone Steppe, getting some air after being down in the hidden cellar with Irilyth sorting through some of the supplies and tinctures that they had uncovered after she sent Ricin looking for it. There was even more down there than she had originally thought so she figured they might as well take the time to figure out what they wanted and what they didn't. She moved through the open area around the ancient pillars until she found a spot with plush grass to rest. Her pregnancy was pretty far along now, probably over half way through at this point, and it certainly showed. At the very least the exhaustion that had plagued her for the first portion of things had finally passed and she was feeling better over all. Now it was just a waiting game and remembering not to strain herself too much as she often did.

While she was waiting for Irilyth to finish up so that they could head back to the island, she spotted a group of wolves on the other edge of the steppe—four of them from what she could see. The largest of the group with violet fur not too unlike her own of course caught her attention first, but she watched the lot of them curiously for a bit. Two of them, one with golden fur and one with white and tan, moved away to go explore perhaps while the other pair moved further in toward the stones. Her conversation with Alastor with her lamenting about not having skilled fighters and not knowing where to find them came to her mind and she hummed softly to herself. Perhaps she should take a more direct approach with her recruiting if she wanted to see any kind of change in her ranks.

She got up and walked—which ended up being a bit of a waddle—over to the pair, giving them a friendly smile. "Hello there," she said in greeting, keeping a comfortable distance from them. The male was even more impressive up close with a large mane that made him appear even more massive than he was and saber fangs poking from his lip. She would never discount the small woman his side though. She had gotten adept at spotting things like rounded feet from feline claws. Besides, some of the most fiercest fighters she had ever encountered were the small ones that could attack faster than you could react. Now that she was closer she could confirm that there wasn't any pack scent on their coats and was hopeful maybe she would get lucky today. "My name is Manea. I'm the leader of a pack near by called Elysium... I hope you don't mind me interrupting you." She settled back onto her haunches, giving her legs a bit of relief. "I'm currently on the hunt for strong fighters and I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least introduce myself to a pair such as yourself."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny