
not maybe, definitely



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
04-17-2022, 02:13 PM

Once they were both settled in for the night, Venom thanked him, to which Maverick just gave a curt nod of his head. "Don't mention it." He picked up a hare for himself and began to dig in, teeth tearing through flesh and muscle with gusto. "I'm not a monster. I wasn't going to leave you there. Believe it or not, I do have a heart. I might flaunt your pack rules and push buttons, but I'm not gonna leave an injured lady out alone in the night." A wry smirk crossed his lips as he added, "Or bite anyone's toes off, for that matter." He chuckled and continued his meal, pleased to see Venom eating as well. Rest, some good herb, and a meal and she'd be right as rain again. He had seen the panic in her expression when he brought her here at first, but now she seemed to be settling down. Gods, she really was a high-strung thing, wasn't she? Maybe she needed that cannabis more than she realized.

Finishing their meal, Maverick gathered up the scraps and bones and pushed them to the den entrance. He would dispose of them later. For now, he wasn't going to leave an injured and unguarded woman alone, especially not now that she was his responsibility. Always getting yourself in some sort of trouble, Mav, he thought with a sardonic snicker. The wolves were quiet for some time, Venom being the first to break the silence and comment on his generosity. "Like I said, don't mention it," the dire wolf replied, coming to lie down on the opposite side of the small space from Venom so she could have her personal space undisturbed.

He could see the fire in her eyes smolder down to embers as the drugs began to kick in, a knowing, crooked smile on Mav's face. "You look like you're starting to feel good," he remarked with a chuckle. "I'm no healer, but I do know how to find the good shit. You're in for a good night now, Your Highness." While watching her, another question came to Maverick's mind. "So what were you doing out here so late in the day and so far from your gilded halls and royal palace anyway? You don't strike me as the healer type, so I'm guessing plant gathering isn't the answer."


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.