


10-03-2013, 07:41 PM

Ears would swivel as another approached, his Ambassador - Loccian. Tail would flicker in response to her arrival as his attention remained narrowed upon the ebony man before him. He introduced himself as Taurig, the new King of Tortuga. Ah, so the dark pack had finally been felled, though not directly by his paws. He also intended to go to Valhalla seeking an alliance with them as well. Did he know of their relationship? Perhaps he did. Loccian spoke up first, resulting in a slight rise of Maverick's brow, but he let it go without note. She was allowed to speak if she wished it - and she was only offering to help teach his healers, if he liked. ?It is a pleasure, Taurig. I must ask of you a bit more information, though. Can you tell me anything of how this pack you are forming will be aligned?? He was interested in this pack, not to mention it was essential that he not align Seracia with anything that went against their moral standards. ?Likewise I would be more than willing to tell you anything you wish to know of Seracia.? It wasn't prudent to ask questions you couldn't answer yourself. He would then turn his head to Loccian slightly, and address her. ?I would not mind you teaching a few of his wolves some of your healing knowledge, but I would ask that they come here if they wish to learn. I don't think we can afford to lose you with Tahlia's litter coming soon.? He wasn't comfortable with his lead healer and ambassador being away from the pack for too long. Tail switched behind him complacently as he waited for a response from either of them - calmer now that he knew this man meant them no harm.
